
Dream Searcher Tells a Story

shunwah 已針對您的文章「你曾否夢見你不是你?」留下新意見:

A Hongkong born Chinese who i knew for 28 years is now
studying thanatology and pass-life regression.

And she took me lately she was a fish in her dream.

Last year she also dreamed she saw me surrounded by
colour blue.Which was happened in March 2006 when
i visited Egypt for my 5th Solar Eclipse.

A strange event took place in Dahab, a 60 years old
woman said to me when she first saw me....

"you're being visited!"

Of course,i had a good conversation with her.

yours always.

Chard's Feedback:

Is there any one who has got similar dreams? Do tell us.

Lee Chard

