I wish also to ask you to see a taokit article on Margaret Thatcher, which I think his points, though may seem too extreme, has pointed out how Thatcher has saved Britain, at the brink of being a Communists state, which would lead British into a path of hunger, poverty, and deteriorating human spirit, and the road to become a chaotic state. Thatcher gave the power to the engine of private enterprises, and encouraged and enabled them to upgrade and reform, so that they would be more modernized, more updated than before. This helped to revive British economic strength to a world class level. I think it is she, at the turning point in 1970s, that changes the shape of Britain, when the whole world saw Britain was a sick man of Western Europe, and it was then in declining stage, perhaps finishing stage....
Best wishes,
Dear William
Thatcher is a technical woman. She can only help mangaging an old machine, revising the machine a little bit.
She can never see how the world changes. Nor can she see the downward trend of
the 21 Century.
The so called privatization is only another form of Capitalism, which can go nowhere but down turn.
We are now in an up-side-down state.(NOT "THE BRINK OF COMMUNISM...") I do hope you can see it.