李察通訊 leecha.blogspot.hk



disguised angel 帶來的blessing

Dear Mr Leechard

I am surprised, shocked, to find your reader "Siu Kao" responding to my
letter. Responding is one unexpectation, (the letter is inconvenient to
read, the mouse needs to move up and down in each sentence), but
responding in such a way which seems that he can read my mind and echoes to
my mind is something I find incredible, very incredible. How could he
relate two different letters togehter 先生也該好好感受所有disguised angel 帶
來的blessing", by coincidence, by luck, or by wisdom, I ask. The answer
could be I am over-sensitive.

芸芸一讀者啊, 你的心情心意心聲, 跟我那麼一樣! 想必還有好多

您優雅的離場了. 如此優雅!

我跟他們, 怎不會不稱呼您作先生呢

十九年, 如不想多謝明報, 或許也該優雅地講句: 唔該晒.

He also echoes to my appreciation of the cartoons.

Isn't that weird? Did this reader write to you before?

Peggy from the office of Sherlock Holmes

dear Peggy,

Yes he has written some beautiful letters before.
if you search throught the columns , you will find him.


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